Thursday, November 12, 2009

Can Life get any better? I submit that it cannot!

Haha I love how this is becoming my blog! You guys need to write stuff! Anyway, I just have to say that today has started off as an absolutely beautiful day! So it started off with walking to class at 6:40 am. There was a little breeze but it was perfect temperature. Light was coming through the clouds and let me just say it was gorgeous as I walked up the hill to campus and looked at Provo and the mountains! It was magnificent to take in all of the beauty. I am so grateful for a tender mercy that comes with wonderful nature! Then in my anatomy class everyone was in a good mood and there was laughter and I was so grateful for the comfort to be myself around people I don't know. And, I got 100% on my quiz! It was wonderful! I am so blessed and I don't understand why but hey I will not complain! Really, life is so incredible and I am so grateful for so many blessings! No joke, I am so happy that I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest because of my love for life and for my Father in Heaven!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel!!!! you better take that picture off of your blog or I will post a picture more embaresing than that one! emily
